Saturday, May 30, 2009

We made it to syria

Willie and I crossed the Jordan-Syria border on Thursday. We spent about 5 hours at the border waiting for our visas to be made, but they were very cheap and the border agents were very nice. We have spent the last couple days in damascus eating good food and walking around the old city. Apparenty Damascus is the longest continuously inhabited city in the world. Its easy to see too, with buildings built on other buildings and roads built over and under existing ones.

The people in Syria are much less conservative than the people we have met in Egypt and in Jordan, even though there government is the most controlling. To even make this blog post i have to use some hacking software to get past the governments filters. They block everything from myspace and facebook to even my blog. Weird...

Anyway tomorrow Willie and I are heading north. We hope to be in turkey by next weekend.

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