Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Finished the Rescue Diver Course

I have spend the last 3 days diving and in the classroom for my rescue diving course. Today I had my "final" a series of 4 rescue scenarios. The actual skills are easy, the tough bit is the fact that the day is just 2 fun dives where nothings supposed to go wrong, but other instructors and dive masters during the dive can just surprise you with any combination of problems. These consisted of having to deal with panicked divers underwater who were out of air and at the surface. Also I had to organize a search for a missing diver and tow tired divers to shore. A great way to test real situations, however a bit stressful. I passed and in 2 days i get to start my dive master training ( what I came to Dahab for).

Sadly Willie came down with the sickness last night and missed the testing today so he will have to do it tomorrow. Other than that we found a great pizza place for only 3 dollars a pizza and have been eating way to much falafel. Oh and a local underwater photographer got a couple good shots of me and Willie swimming around with a turtle. Ill try to put those up as soon as I can get them.

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